Terminology    |    Coversion Table    |    Container Specifications    |    IMCO Chart    |    ICD T/Time    |    Links
CONTAINER A special steel box used for the transportation of cargoes.
TEU / FEU Twenty equivalent Unit / Forty Equivalent Unit
STUFFING / VANNING The process of stowing cargo within a container
STRIPPING / DE-VANNING The process of removing cargo from a container
CFS Container Freight Station
CY Container Yard
ICD Inland Container Depot
NVOCC Non Vessel Owning Common/Container Carrier.
MTO Multimodal Transport Operator
IMDG / IMCO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Council.
DG Dangerous Goods (Hazardous Cargo).
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
OCEAN FREIGHT The consideration for the carriage of cargoes by sea.
THC Terminal Handling Charges
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor.
IHC Inland Haulage Charges
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
INCOTERMS International Commercial Terms, as specified by the I.C.C.
FAK Freight All Kinds
CIF Cost Insurance and Freight (Incoterms)
C&F or CFR Cost and Freight (Incoterms)
FOB Free on Board (Incoterms )
B/L Bill of Lading (Receipt for Shipment & Title of goods)
SHIPPER The seller who holds the title of the goods being shipped.
CONSIGNEE The buyer to whom the goods have to be delivered against surrender of a duly accomplished "bill of lading".
NOTIFY PARTY The party who has to be notified once the cargo arrives at the destination.
SHIPPING MARKS Identification marks normally affixed on each unit of cargo.
ODO One Door Open (On Deck Cargo )
D/C Dry Container (Standard ISO Container)
O/T Open Top Container
F/R Flat Rack Container.
REEFER Container equipped with refrigeration machinery.
HIGH CUBE A container which is 9.6 feet in height.
HDC Heavy Duty Container (A container which has an average payload of 30 tons.)
DUNNAGE Material used to prevent shifting of cargo within a container.
LASHING The process of securing the cargo within a container with ropes/wires.
BULLET SEAL As tiny "steel locking device" use to lock the container doors
T.T.CLUB Through Transport Club - London (Insurance Club)